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(The following discussion, taken from a listserv, or electronic bulletin board, is between accredited professionals involved in assisting veterans in prosecuting claims for Home-Bound and Aid and Attendance Pension Benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)) Question:...
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In a published decision, the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, ruled that a trial court erred when it applied the doctrine of probable intent to create testamentary special needs trusts for two disabled children of a...
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photo © 1975 The U.S. National Archives | more info (via: Wylio) If you have a special needs child, you should be familiar with the federal laws and state regulations that outline the educational rights that your child...
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Special education law is complex. However, I believe that the following cases provide a favor of the issues involved in special education law. In selecting and summarizing the cases, I utilized a number of resources available on the...
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