
Assets Belonging To Incompetent Medicaid Recipient Discovered By Children Who Had Power Of Attorney Held...
Fed court in New Orleans awards 7 Virginia families $2.6M damages for homes ruined by...
New publication by Civil Rights Division of DOJ outlines rights of returning veterans with disabilities...
Attend the NJ State Bar Assn’s Elder And Disability Law Retreat, Cape May, NJ, April...
New report shows that a lack of financial security is the fearful reality for a...
Divorcing couple can use collaborative divorce to achieve resolution peacefully even though they don’t get...
Appeals ct reverses attys fee award to Medicaid applicant wrongly denied benefits & removed from...
Fed ct permanently enjoins NJ imposing ‘never ending” penalty for gifts made by applicants for...
American Assn of Life Underwriters recent report finds “uncertainty remains in the Senate” concerning estate...
Rutgers Poll finds 48% of NJ residents support the new health care law, 40% oppose...
Kansas Supreme Court rejects legal action seeking to reverse cuts in services for people with...
My article on the effect of financial exploitation on elder’s eligibility for Medicaid published in...
N. Carolina Bar is first to consider an ethics opinion on cloud-computing or web-based services...
“Flash mob” in South Orange, NJ prompt police to monitor text messages,Twitter and Facebook to...
Checklist of common early warning signs indicating your child falls somewhere on the autism spectrum....
NJ Sup Ct Widens Cleric-Penitent Privilege-Includes Statements an “objectively reasonable” person believes confidential https://www.law.com/
NJ taxpayers in 11 counties have until May 11 (not April 15) to file their...
Dissent Calls Majority Opinion “Indefensible”, Creating A “Kafkaeque Adjudicatory Process” For Disabled Veterans. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/us/06bar.html
NJ lags behind most states in processing Social Security Disability claims, taking 16 months before...
Adults with autism-related disabilities are challenged in areas of social life, employment, housing, and health...
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