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A new ethics opinion by the American Bar Association, Formal Opinion 10-457 (Lawyer Websites), identifies some of the ethical obligations that lawyers should address in considering the content and features of their websites. The major recommendations which I...
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(I recently ordered a free DVD from the American Bar Association (ABA). That’s right; it was, surprisingly, actually free. And, another surprise, it has been quite good so far. In addition, the written materials included with the DVD...
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In the Estate of Rosa M. Mendoza v. Trenton Psychiatric Hospital and Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health Services, N.J. App. Div. No. A-1553-07T2 (July 20, 2010), the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, affirmed...
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Following is an exchange posted on a electronic bulletin board devoted to the discussion of issues involving veterans pension and compensation claims. Question: Have you heard that once a veteran is approved for VA Pension benefits with Aid...
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The concept of what constitutes a “confidential relationship” (one of the elements creating a presumption of undue influence) was examined by the New Jersey Appellate Division in Matter of the Estate of Jewell B. Sykes, N.J. App. Div....
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