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This year, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys held its Advanced Institute in Kansas City, Missouri from October 23 – 26. The program-of-events-10-31-08 shows that the presentations at the Institute covered a wide array of subjects. I...
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I have a number of speaking engagements scheduled during the first few weeks of November 2008 that may be of interest to readers of this blog. On November 8, 2008, I am scheduled to speak at the Alzheimer’s...
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This year, the Guardianship Association of New Jersey, Inc. (GANJI) held its 13th Annual Conference on Guardianship on October 30th at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick, NJ. The conference was entitled “Surrogate Decision-Making: A Holistic...
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The nation’s roughly 53 million elderly and disabled Social Security recipients will get their biggest pay hike since 1982 — a 5.8 percent cost of living increase in payments in 2009. This is expected to raise the average...
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You are invited to explore the legal, financial and psychological issues involved in divorce in comprehensive seminars led by an interdisciplinary team of attorneys, financial experts, child specialists and mental health professionals. There are separate seminars offered for...
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