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Most of the cases discussed on this blog (and, I suspect, on most blogs which spotlight developments in the law) focus principally on decisions issued by the higher-level courts, the appellate courts and the supreme court of the...
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I don’t usually blog about the Social Security cases my law firm handles, although we represent many applicants for Social Security and SSI disability benefits each year. It’s time I remedied that oversight. My firm recently handled a...
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A case recently decided by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, continues the line of cases decided in New Jersey defining the privacy rights of users of the Internet. In Juzwiak v. John/Jane Doe a.k.a. “Josh...
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For more than two years, I have been representing an elderly man in a contested guardianship action. My client’s son claimed that my client was incapacitated, and instituted a guardianship action in the Superior Court of New Jersey,...
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In the recent case of In the Matter of J.M. for the Appointment of a Special Medical Guardian, Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Bergen County, Docket No. P – 036 – 10 (Hon. Ellen L. Koblitz,...
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