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Veterans may be eligible to receive up to $1,949 in non-taxable monthly income from the VA to pay for home health care, assisted living facility care, and nursing home care. To receive the improved VA benefits, the following...
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The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) operates and maintains a nationwide network of medical treatment centers, medical research centers and information resource centers. Through its nationwide network of facilities, the VHA provides inpatient and outpatient care, geriatric evaluations, nursing...
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In the May 27, 2009 Initial Decision of Estate of M.M. v. DMAHS, a New Jersey administrative law judge (“ALJ”) made noteworthy decisions regarding two Medicaid topics: (1) increasing the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (“CSRA”); and (2) rebutting...
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As I had reported in my March 4, 2009 post, found here, a New Jersey administrative law judge (“ALJ”) in the E.F. v. DMAHS case had held that an annuity purchased by a community spouse with retirement assets...
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When developing your estate plan, it is important to recognize the possibility that, after your death, that plan could be challenged by those who expected more favorable treatment from you under your Last Will and Testament. For example,...
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