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The Elder Mediation Center of New Jersey invites you to explore the practice of Elder Mediation. This program is designed for professionals engaged in the field of aging,including geriatric care managers, social workers, discharge planners, case managers, attorneys...
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It is well known that the vast majority of America’s 2.6 million children with special needs will need costly care long after their parents have passed away. However, a new study from Hartford Financial Services has found that...
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I achieved a milestone a few posts ago. On April 1, 2009, I wrote my 200th blog post, found here – HOO-RAY. I wrote my first blog post less than one year ago, on April 21, 2008,...
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Linda H. Davis wrote an April 4th column in the Washington Post that a tidal wave of autistic children will be entering adulthood over the next 15 years, numbering more than 380,000 people.  They will need extensive adult...
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President Bush’s tax cut law passed in 2001, called the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, Pub.L. 107-16, 115 Stat. 38, June 7, 2001 (hereafter “EGTRRA”) gradually phased out the estate tax by raising the...
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