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All Of Us At Vanarelli & Li, LLC Wish You A Very Happy and Healthy Easter And Passover! * * * * * * * * Kindly visit our website for updates and information in Elder Law, Estate...
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Dear Valued Client or Website Visitor, We understand that deciding upon the best qualified law firm to handle your planning needs can be a daunting task. We appreciate your choosing or considering Vanarelli & Li, LLC to help...
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Question: My mother deeded her house to my sister and me more than seven years ago, meaning that the transfer is beyond Medicaid’s 5-year look-back period and should not affect my mother’s eligibility for Medicaid benefits. My family...
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The decedent’s daughter-in-law and grandchildren filed an action seeking to set aside the decedent’s 2016 will that disinherited them, and to admit a prior will and codicil. They claimed that the decedent lacked testamentary capacity to make the...
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An 82-year old widow living on Social Security benefits borrowed over $400,000 and signed mortgage documents calling for the loan to be repaid in monthly installments over 30 years. The bank brought a foreclosure action, claiming that the...
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