As we age, the decrease in independence and concurrent increasing need for care which often occur can be a source of stress and conflict in many families. Adult children who must provide care to aging parents or who must make health care or financial decisions for dependent family members face tremendous challenges. Care-giving and decision-making.. read more →

aThe Social Security Administration released the federal benefit rate for the 2013 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits as follows: The benefit amount for an individual SSI recipient in 2013 is $710 per month (an increase from $698/mo. in 2012). The benefit amount for a couple who are both receiving SSI in 2013 is $1,066 per.. read more →

On October 26, 2012, David McLenachen, Director of the Pension and Fiduciary Division, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), issued Fast Letter 12-23. Described as a clarification of VA policy, this fast letter actually substantially tightened the eligibility criteria for veterans and others residing in senior or independent living facilities who apply for needs-based VA pension.. read more →

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced increased deductibility levels for individuals with long term care insurance policies in 2013.  According to Revenue Procedure 2012-41, the deductible limits range from a low of $360 to as much as $4,550 per person. The limits represent an increase from 2012, as follows: Attained Age Before Close of Taxable Year.. read more →

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Revenue Procedure 2012-41 which set forth inflation-adjusted revenue items for 2013. Among other things, the IRS announced that the annual gift tax exclusion amount will increase in 2013 to $14,000 made by a taxpayer to any person who is not the taxpayer’s spouse. Married couples can combine their annual exclusion amounts.. read more →