Seeking Nominations For The "Top 10 New Jersey Mediation Blogs"

A few years ago I published what I called the “top 10 NJ mediation blogs” = The list of blogs was published in October 2008, about 6 months after I started my blogging adventure (an adventure which hasn’t yet ended.) I compiled a list of “awarding winning” blogs by listing the mediation blogs I read at the time, and adding other blogs I was able to identify through Google searches and various websites like Technorati. At that time, I could only find 10 blogs in the entire State of New Jersey that discussed mediation. I would like to update the list of blogs this year. My sense is that there are more mediators in New Jersey who are blogging now. However, rather than simply limiting the list to those mediation blogs I know of and read now, this year I’d like to expand the list through nominations by readers of this blog. If anyone knows of a blog covering New Jersey mediation issues that they read and enjoy, please let me know, either by posting a comment to this article or privately via my website. Please don’t be shy; it is acceptable to nominate your own blog. Maybe we can locate and publicize some undiscovered gems. I will also be updating my list of estate and elder law blogs, and would appreciate suggestions from readers about blogs to include in that list too.
