
Medicaid Applications
Illustration of Medicaid health insurance concept.
MEDICAID is a joint federal and state program that provides medical assistance for financially eligible...
Illustration of a group of abled and disabled persons.
Effective February 1, 2024 On April 17, 2024, the New Jersey Division of Medical Assistance...
Medicaid Eligibility and Child Support Illustration.
Appellate Division Reverses Final Agency Decision W.F. is a legally incapacitated person who has been...
New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) released a Consumer Brief on Medicaid Advisors/Application Assistors....
A U.S. district court denied a preliminary injunction to a Medicaid applicant who sued New...
In this case, the Court considered whether a Medicaid applicant received full and fair notice...
In a recent opinion, an appellate court in Minnesota held that county officials were not...
The Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law, appointed by the Supreme Court of New...
A New Jersey appeals court ruled that payments to the spouse of a Medicaid recipient...
The Alzheimer’s Association has issued its 2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report. The report is “a statistical...
Medicaid, unlike Medicare, is a public benefit program based upon financial need. As a result,...
After he was admitted to a nursing home in 2013, petitioner, R.P., accrued unpaid bills...
M.S. is a 73-year old residing in at a long-term care facility. She is a...
A court in Connecticut ruled that the administrator of an estate lacked standing to appeal...
Two years ago, in 2013, a federal judge in New Jersey granted a preliminary injunction...
In A.H. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, 2014 N.J. Agen. LEXIS 91...
In a very unusual ruling, a New York appeals court ruled that, despite transferring significant...
As a result of the advocacy efforts by several New Jersey elder law attorneys following a...
What Is Medicaid? Medicaid is a government program through which many elderly and disabled people...
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