2015 VETERANS BENEFITS – Monthly Pension Rates (Effective 12/1/14)

Historically, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does not release the new pension rates until January or February of the following year. Thus, the new pension rates for 2015 have not been released officially yet. However, aged and disabled veterans who receive VA pension benefits will receive a marginal increase in their benefit checks in the New Year based upon the 1.7% Cost of Living Increase for federal benefits in 2015, projected as follows:

Single Veteran
  • Basic Improved Pension: $1,072
  • Housebound: $1,310
  • Aid & Attendance: $1,788
  • Standard 5% VA Unreimbursed Medical Expense (UME) Deduction: $53.60
Married Veteran
  • Basic Improved Pension: $1,404
  • Housebound: $1,642
  • Aid & Attendance: $2,120
  • Standard 5% VA UME Deduction: $70.20
Surviving Spouse
  • Basic Improved Pension: $719
  • Housebound: $879
  • Aid & Attendance: $1,149
  • Standard 5% VA UME Deduction: $35.95
Veteran Married to Veteran
  • Basic Improved Pension: $1,404
  • One Housebound: $1,642
  • Two Housebound: $1,880
  • One Aid & Attendance: $2,120
  • One Housebound and One Aid & Attendance: $2,358
  • Both Aid & Attendance: $2,837

For additional information concerning VA compensation and pension benefits, visit:
