Top Vanarelli Law Office Blog Posts: Week Of February 7

In case you missed any of them, here are our most popular blog posts from last week. The original post date, along with a short summary of the content of each post, are included after each hyperlinked title.

Gift Tax Annual Exclusion Amount Unchanged In 2010 – October 31, 2009. The subject of this post was quite simple: The gift tax annual exclusion amount available to taxpayers in 2010 will remain unchanged at $13,000. Period.

Certain “Blue Water” Navy Vietnam Veterans Now Eligible For Agent Orange Presumptive Service-Connected Compensation Benefits – January 23, 2010. This post describes a recent change in VA policy permitting certain “blue water” navy Vietnam veterans with designated diseases to receive compensation benefits and medical care from the VA without having to prove exposure to Agent Orange during their military service.

Medicaid Eligibility Denied Based Upon A Home Transfer To A “Caregiver Child” Who Was Employed Full-Time – December 15, 2009. This post summarizes the A.N. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services and Passaic County Board of Social Services case, administrative appeal which affirmed the denial of Medicaid benefits, after the Medicaid applicant, A.N., who I represented in the case, transferred his home to his son T.N., a caregiver child, who was employed full-time outside the home.

New Tax Basis Rules In Estate And Elder Law Planning – January 14, 2010. This post briefly summarizes the tax law changes that became effective on January 1, 2010 and affect estate and elder law planning. The changes include the elimination of the stepped-up tax basis for assets and the repeal of the federal estate tax.

Top 10 New Jersey Family Law Cases Decided In 2009 – February 3, 2010. This post summarizes each of the top 10 family law cases decided by New Jersey courts in 2009.
