Top Vanarelli Law Office Blog Posts: Week of March 28 – April 3, 2010

In case you missed them, here are the most popular articles posted last week on the Vanarelli Law Office Blog:

Tweeting The ABA TechShow – March 28, 2010. Here, I presented a collection of tweets posted on Twitter by some of the speakers and attendees at the recent ABA Techshow, a legal technology conference held last month. The tweets were actually quite interesting, and often amusing.

Medicaid Eligibility And The Pickle Amendment – March 30, 2010. In this post, I discussed the Pickle Amendment which created a separate category of Medicaid eligibility for those who receive both Social Security benefits (SSA) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits but become ineligible for SSI due to cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in the SSA benefit.

Payment For Care Under A Contract Is Not Transfer For Fair Market Value And Results In A Penalty Period Under Medicaid – March 29, 2010. This post describes a recent decision of the New Jersey Appellate Division in the E.S. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services case holding that a life care contract between a nursing home resident and her daughter, in which the resident paid her daughter a lump sum for the future provision of personal care services is not a transfer for fair market value for the purposes of Medicaid eligibility, but instead is considered to be a gift subject to a penalty.
