In New Jersey, services for the intellectually and developmentally disabled are provided by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), a division of the state Department of Human Services. DDD funds services and supports for eligible disabled individuals. These services are offered in the community by more than 200 agencies or by more than 600 individuals and in five residential developmental centers administered by the DDD.
Several years ago, the DDD implemented a policy under which individuals seeking services through the DDD had to be eligible for and receiving Medicaid benefits. Due to the complex rules governing eligibility for Medicaid, attaining eligibility for DDD services became more difficult.
There are essentially seven (7) pathways through which a DDD client may obtain eligibility for Medicaid benefits. Recently, I presented at a webinar via the ZOOM videoconferencing platform on planning to attain eligibility for Medicaid benefits from New Jersey’s Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, the state Medicaid agency, and how Medicaid eligibility impacts services from the DDD.
In the webinar, I explained the basic rules of the Medicaid program in New Jersey, how applicants can become eligible for benefits, the type, amount and frequency of benefits available, and the various kinds of care Medicaid benefits pay for.
I was asked to speak at the webinar by Spectrum Care Management and Counseling, LLC, a support coordination agency. I appreciate the opportunity to present this important information to the disability community.
I used a PowerPoint slide show during my presentation which is attached for readers of this blog below.