
Donald Vanarelli
In a recent press release, the New Jersey judiciary announced that it is adopting an...
Following is an exchange posted on a electronic bulletin board devoted to the discussion of...
In a ruling seen as a major setback for disabled individuals and their families, on...
Eligibility for improved pension benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including housebound benefits...
In a recent decision in a contested guardianship case, entitled In the Matter of Sutton-Logan,...
Combining a series of related cases, a New York appeals court determined that five Medicaid...
Each month, the Social Security Administration (SSA) produces a report ranking all of the hearings...
According to a recent article in the August 24th edition of The Dallas Morning News,...
Attorneys certified in elder law offer something that other attorneys do not:  professional expertise in...
Judges, like everyone else, have been affected by the treasure trove of information available on...
About 50 million retired and disabled Americans receive Social Security benefits. The average monthly benefit...
A new New York form updating and replacing the old New York Power of Attorney...
The Elder Mediation Center of New Jersey (EMC-NJ), a collaborative alliance of independent mediators, attorneys...
Gregory Herman-Giddens, Esq., an attorney and certified financial planner, writes the North Carolina Estate Planning...
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