
Legal Rights of the Disabled
Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) has proposed a bill that would eliminate the use of...
Under the law, each public school child who receives special education and related services must...
New Jerseyans with an autism spectrum disorder gained two laws recently which, it is hoped,...
2009 was an exciting year of litigation in the elder and disability law arena, producing...
A federal district court judge in California recently ruled that the Social Security Administration (SSA)...
Gov. Jon Corzine recently signed into law new legislation that requires fiduciaries of estates for...
The House has voted to give the disabled, as well as gays and lesbians, federal...
Limited public funds available for the disabled in New Jersey has forced government agencies to...
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, unemployment among people with disabilities reached its highest...
In a landmark opinion that recognizes a new category of lawsuits, the 3rd U.S. Circuit...
Linda H. Davis wrote an April 4th column in the Washington Post that a tidal...
A Union County judge has ordered life support resumed for a patient who has been...
A special court recently ruled against three families who claimed that childhood vaccinations contributed to...
According to the February 19th Edition of the Kansas City Star newspaper’s online edition,,...
The House of Representatives has passed the Elder Abuse Victims Act of 2009 (H.R. 448). ...
Sunday, February 8th, has been designated as Autism Sunday, an international day of prayer for...
After receiving complaints from tenants who received letters telling them that they had to vacate...
This year, the Guardianship Association of New Jersey, Inc. (GANJI) held its 13th Annual Conference...
More than ten years after the measure was first proposed, Congress finally passed a law...
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