Elder Mediation Center Members Have Been Busy With Speaking Engagements and Writing Articles

On Saturday, November 15, 2008, members of the The Elder Mediation Center of New Jersey, an alliance of eldercare professionals of which I am a co-founder, presented a workshop on “Unique Perspectives in Elder Mediation – A Paradigm Shift” at the Annual Conference of the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators in Somerset, NJ. The powerpoint slide presentation which the Elder Mediation Center members created for conference is attached here – a-paradigm-shift-unique-perspectives-in-elder-mediation.

The members of the Elder Mediation Center also have been busy on various writing projects, several of which have been published. Tony Serra published an article on “Using Elder Mediation in Adult Guardianship Cases” in the October 2008 edition of the Mercer County Lawyer, the Mercer County Bar Association’s monthly newsletter. Tony’s article is attached here – using-elder-mediation-in-adult-guardianship-cases. His partner, Nina Weiss, another member of the Elder Mediation Center, has also written an excellent article on a unique practice area concerning the management and resolution of conflicts for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Nina’s article is attached here – mediation-approach-to-resolving-conflicts-for-disabled-persons-and-their-families. My article on elder-mediation was published in the New Jersey Lawyer newspaper.

Marcie Cooper, a licensed clinical social worker, geriatric care manager and Elder Mediation Center co-founder, prepared an article that was published in the newsletter of New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Marcie’s article describes the role of the social work case manager in the elder mediation process. Marcie’s article is attached here – elder-mediation-role-of-social-work-case-mgr.
