Keeping the Peace Through Elder Mediation
Training Schedule
Registration and Breakfast
1. Introduction (Donald Vanarelli)
- Elder Mediation in New Jersey
- NJAPM Special Interest Section
- Goals of Training Session
- Housekeeping items
2. “Setting the Stage” (Theater Group/Gabrielle Strich/Benni Versaci)
3. What is Elder Mediation? (Donald Vanarelli)
- Goals of Elder Mediation
- Overview of Presenting Issues in Elder Mediation
- Characteristics of Elder Mediation
4. Role of the Geriatric Care Manager (Connie Rosenberg/Judith Parnes)
- Understanding the Aging process
- Assessment and Care Planning
- Long Term Care Options
- Family Dynamics
5. Capacity and the Need for Guardianship (Dr. Mark Pass)
6. Elder Mediation: Process (Donald Vanarelli)
- Preparing for Mediation – Intake Interviews/Calls/Meetings
- Obstacles to Bringing Parties to the Table
- Strategies for Intake/Screening
- Beginning the Mediation – Opening Statements/Case Concerns
- Fact Gathering, Issue Identification, Brain Storming, Option Generation
- Resolution
7. Elder Mediation: Nuances (Donald Vanarelli)
- Ethical Issues – confidentiality, standards, self-determination
- Role of attorneys and advocates, agreements, multiple parties, institutional parties, sources of power and balancing, techniques, caucus
8. Role Play (Theater Group/Gabrielle Strich/Benni Versaci)
- Fact Patterns
- Break Out Groups
- Role Play Summaries/Critique
9. Defining Success (Connie Rosenberg/Judith Parnes)
- Resolving disputed issues in mediation
- Giving aging parents a voice
- Helping families to create successful communication systems
10. Elder Law Issues in Elder Mediation (Gabrielle Strich/Donald Vanarelli)
- Capacity and Substitute Decision-Making Arrangements
- Search for Funding Sources: “Finances Drive the Care Plan”
- Public Benefits Planning: Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/SSI/VA
- Estate and Life Care Planning: Wills, Powers of Attorney, Guardianships
- Undue Influence/ Elder Abuse / Financial Exploitation
11. Getting the Word Out – Elder Mediation Marketing Strategies (Jennifer Decker)
12. Wrap Up/ Questions / Comments (Speakers / Trainers)
Speakers / Trainers
- Jennifer Decker, Mediation Marketing Specialist, Decker Mediation, LLC
- Judith Parnes, LCSW, ACSW, CMS, Elder Life Management, Inc.
- Mark Pass, M.D., Private Practice/Jersey Shore Geriatrics
- Connie Rosenberg, MPS, RN, CCM, CMC, Services and Resources for Seniors
- Gabrielle Strich, Esq., APM, AP, Strich Law Firm
- Donald D. Vanarelli, Esq., CELA, APM, Law Office of Donald D. Vanarelli
- Benni Versaci, MA, L(M)SW, C-ASWCM, Spectrum Geriatric Care Management
Seminar Information
- Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012
- Time: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
- Moderator: Donald D. Vanarelli, Esq.
- Venue: New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ
- Continuing Education Credits: Available for Attorneys, Mediators, Social Workers
- Sponsors: New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators; Elder and Disability Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association
- Cost: $200 before February 15, 2012; $250 thereafter
To register, please call Ginny Morrissey at the Law Office of Donald D. Vanarelli, 908-232-7400, or contact her online by clicking here.