I was a Panelist at the New Jersey State Bar's Annual Meeting, discussing "Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity"

Earlier this week I was a participant on a panel held at the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Atlantic City, NJ. The other panelists were Linda Ershow-Levenberg, Esq. and Brenda McElnea, Esq., both formerly Chairs of the Elder Law Section of the State Bar Association. The topic was “Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity: Assessment, Assistance and Advocacy.” Each panelist spoke on a different aspect of the topic. Linda’s topic was the “Assessment of Mental Capacity For Different Legal Transactions.” Brenda spoke on “Surrogate Decision-Making.” My  topic was “Ethical Issues Involved In Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity.” Our presentation was surprising well-attended.

Each of the panelists prepared a paper for the presentation, all of which are attached here – representing-clients-with-diminished-capacity
