Increased Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction Limits For 2013 Announced

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced increased deductibility levels for individuals with long term care insurance policies in 2013.  According to Revenue Procedure 2012-41, the deductible limits range from a low of $360 to as much as $4,550 per person. The limits represent an increase from 2012, as follows:

Attained Age Before Close of Taxable Year 40 or less $360 (2012 is $350)
More than 40 but not more than 50 $680 (2012 is $660)
More than 50 but not more than 60 $1,360 (2012 is $1,310)
More than 60 but not more than 70 $3,640 ($3,500)
More than 70 $4,550 ($4,370)

For calendar year 2013, the per-diem limitation under Section 7702B(d)(4) for periodic payments received under a qualified long-term care insurance contract is $320 (the 2012 limit was $310).
