Law Office of Donald D. Vanarelli Blog: Best of 2008

best-of-2008In a sense, it seems arrogant to present a list of “best of” posts when my blog is so new, and I am a novice blogging lawyer . My blog went “live” only about eight months ago, as I posted my first article on April 21, 2008. My blog is part of my website (New Jersey Elder Law Attorney, Estate Planning, Guardianship, Probate, Medicaid, Social Security and Divorce Lawyer), which is also new, going live only one month before my blog, in March 2008. Since I am plainly a beginner, could any post I published in the past year qualify for any “best of” list of posts?

Maybe not. But I managed to achieve some successes in the few months since the website and blog went live. When I started eight months ago, my website had an average of “16” unique visitors each day. Doesn’t sound like much, but I bet that many legal websites have similar statistics. By December 2008, the average number of unique visitors each day to my website and blog grew to “333”. Also, GooglePageRank increased from “0” to “4”. Although harder to measure objectively, I also believe that my writing has improved over the past months of posting articles about the law. I also think that the main reason for the growth in traffic was the (hopefully) interesting and useful content that I published.

In blogging, I strive to follow this advise by Brian Clark: “Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”

Below, submitted for your review and enjoyment, is a retrospective of the “best” posts published on this blog in 2008 (in random order):

That ends my “best of 2008″ blog post. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you, readers, for your continuing interest and support.
