My Latest Article Published In the New Jersey Foundation For Aging – Renaissance Magazine

The New Jersey Foundation for Aging was founded in 1998 to improve the quality of life of New Jersey’s older residents. The Foundation is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that derives its financial support through contributions from private donors, public and private foundations and corporations. The mission of the Foundation is “to improve and expand new and innovative approaches to the delivery of services that enable older adults to live in the community with independence and dignity … .”

According to the Foundation’s website, Renaissance magazine, published for the past 17 years, is “the premier publication for mature adults in New Jersey,” with a readership of over 100,000. The magazine focuses on the interests of “mature adults.”

Mature or not, I regularly peruse Renaissance magazine, and have done so for years. Therefore, I was happy to write a short article for the August/September 2010 issue entitled “Estate Planning Tools: What’s Available?” Snappy title, right? It isn’t mine, though; the Renaissance staff came up with the phrasing. However, I did write the article, covering Last Wills and Testaments, Powers of Attorneys, Advance Medical Directives and Health Care Proxies. My thanks to Grace Egan, Executive Director, and my friend Mark Tabakman, Esq., this year’s President of the Board of Trustees, for asking me to participate. Hope you enjoy the article.

My article is attached – Article in NJ Foundation for Aging Magazine
