New Jersey Collaborative Law Group – Officers and Directors – 2011

Below is a listing of the 2011 Officers and Directors of the New Jersey Collaborative Law Group (NJCLG). I’m a member of the NJCLG Board of Directors this year.

NJCLG is an educational, not-for-profit association of collaborative professionals established in 2008. I’m proud to be able to say I was one of the founders of NJCLG. The members of NJCLG help couples divorce without resorting to costly, time-consuming and sometimes demeaning litigation. In a collaborative divorce, a fair divorce settlement is the goal of all participants, attained through the use of a collaborative team, consisting of attorneys, mental health professionals, financial consultants, child specialists and others who, along with the divorcing couple, agree not to go to court. Instead, the divorcing couple negotiates the terms of their divorce settlement agreement with the help of the professional team, whose sole purpose is to ease the couple, along with their children, if any, through the divorce with a minimum of strain and disruption to the emotional and financial well-being of the participants. Collaborative divorce is truly a “new and better way.”

The NJCLC website can be found here:

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