NJ Law Revision Commission Considers Statutory Revision to Codify Supreme Court Decision in Saccone Case

The New Jersey Law Revision Commission (“NJLRC”) is an independent legislative commission of the State that engages in an ongoing review of statutes and case law, in order to remedy defects and clarify confusing language in those statutes.

The NJLRC is proposing a revision to the New Jersey statutes in order to codify the Supreme Court’s decision in Saccone v. Police and Firemen’s Retirement System, 219 N.J. 369 (2014), a case that I successfully litigated. You can read my blogpost regarding the Saccone case here. 

I was pleased to be invited by the NJLRC to provide my comments regarding the proposed legislation. A copy of the letter containing my comments can be found here

[gview file=”http://vanarellilaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2-29-16-ltr-to-Jayne-Johnson-Esq.-re-saccone-v.-police-and-firemens-retirement-system.pdf”]
