The Handbook for Helping People Living Alone with Dementia Who Have No Known Support

The Handbook for Helping People Living Alone with Dementia Who Have No Known Support provides practical guidance as well as tools for helping a person living alone who does not have informal supports, including people with dementia who have a caregiver that cannot provide support. The handbook includes practical strategies for identifying people who are living alone without support, assessing risk, building trust, identifying family and friends willing to help, determining decision-making capacity, options for helping the person maintain their independence, and the basics of guardianship or conservatorship.

The Handbook for Helping People Living Alone with Dementia Who Have No Known Support is attached below:

The Handbook for Helping People Living Alone with Dementia Who Have No Known Support was published by the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC). NADRC is funded by the Administration on Aging/ Administration for Community Living (AoA/ACL). The NADRC provides expert technical assistance to AoA/ACL and its grantees, and makes program information and resources available to individuals and organizations outside the Alzheimer’s grantee community.

NADRC staff provide technical assistance to grantees and AoA/ACL program staff, including consultations on topics related to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, grant reporting requirements and submission process, and other topics. Resource Center team members are experts in a variety of topics including dementia-capable systems, supportive services for people with dementia and caregivers, caregiver interventions, behavioral interventions for people with dementia, data collection and reporting and program evaluation. The Resource Center also provides educational webinars on issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and learning groups where participants meet in topic specific groups to learn more about the issue, develop useful related resources, and engage in peer support and collaboration.

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