Technorati, the internet search engine that indexes and searches blogs, also analyzes the trends and themes of blogging. In its State of the Blogosphere 2008 annual report, Technorati reported that it indexed 133 million blogs since 2004, and has tracked blogs in 81 languages. Technorati concludes that this global phenomenon accounts for close to one million blog posts every day.
What part, if any, have mediators in New Jersey played in this global explosion of blogging? In attempting to answer that question, I conducted an internet search to identify those New Jersey attorneys and mediators who have created blogs which focus on mediation. Since there are no Jersey blogs focusing solely on mediation, I expanded the search to those blogs in which mediation was a major topic, even if mediation was not the only topic discussed. Through that effort, I identified a total of 10 New Jersey blogs covering mediation issues and news.
Since the following 10 blogs are the only New Jersey mediation blogs I found, I have taken the liberty of bestowing on them the honor of being named “the top 10 mediation blogs in New Jersey”. It is an interesting group, and I commend our readers to review the blogs and participate in the on-going discussion by actively posting comments. That is one small way in which we who value mediation can continue to move it from a practical exercise in resolving conflict to a professional practice with underlying theoretical principles. Also, I note that most of the blogs cover divorce and family law matters. Why are most mediation practices limited to divorce law? Why aren’t there more blogs covering the mediation of disputes other than divorce and family matters?
A list of the top 10 New Jersey mediation blogs follows, in no particular order. I apologize to those whose blogs I have missed.
New Jersey Healthcare ADR Lawyer & Attorney : Healthcare Neutral. This blog discusses issues and developments at the intersection of alternative dispute resolution and healthcare law. Healthcare Neutral, LLC provides alternative dispute resolution services exclusively for the healthcare industry.
Sanns Mediation World of ADR: News about Mediation, Arbitration, Divorce Law, Elder Law, Commercial Law, Lawsuits and more in New Jersey. This blog posts information about mediation, family law, arbitration, and conflict and dispute resolution. It is published by mediator and arbitrator Marvin Schuldiner.
Njmediator’s Weblog was published by Martin Rosenfeld, Esq., an attorney / mediator with offices in Fair Lawn, NJ, who is also a rabbi. This blog discusses mediation with a special focus on divorce and family issues. Mr. Rosenfeld says that he is “interested in sharing thoughts on why mediation makes sense for a divorcing couple.”
Alternative Dispute Resolution : New Jersey Law Blog is written by Lewis J. Pepperman, Esq., Maria P. Imbalzano, Esq. and Thomas J. Pryor, Esq., who are all partners in the Stark & Stark law firm in Princeton, NJ. The blog has a broad focus, covering issues involved in the mediation of general commercial matters as well as divorce mediation. Although well-written and interesting, the blog does not appear to be very active, with only three posts in 2008.
New Jersey Family Law blog by New Jersey attorney Charles Abut. On his website, Charles states that he is a “Lawyer-Mediator-Arbitrator” in the following areas: “Divorce and Commercial Litigation-Mediation-Arbitration”. His website, however, appears to be focused solely on family law in New Jersey.
New Jersey Divorce & Family Law is maintained by the lawyers at Medina, Martinez & Castroll, LLC in Pennington, NJ. The firm’s law practice focuses on divorce, child custody, spousal maintenance, special education rights, criminal defense for children, parental rights, father’s rights, wills & estate planning, adoption, and collaborative divorce.
New Jersey Divorce and Family Lawyer & Attorney : Fox Rothschild Law Firm : Domestic Violence, Prenuptial Agreements, Child Custody. The contributors to this blog are attorneys from Fox Rothschild’s Family Law Group who handle matrimonial and family law matters throughout New Jersey. The blog provides information on topics such as alimony, child support, custody, parenting time, divorce, equitable distribution, prenuptial agreements, domestic violence, and grandparents visitation.
Law Office of Donald D. Vanarelli Blog — New Jersey Elder Law, Estate and Special Needs Planning, Mediation and Collaborative Family Law. Obviously, I must mention my own blog on this list, right? I love coming up with ideas for blog posts, trying to provide interesting content, updating website stats, and getting and responding to reader comments. I am a Certified Elder Law Attorney, and my blog focuses on the mediation of elder law, estate, probate and guardianship disputes.
Trenton Family Lawyer & Attorney : Flaster Greenberg Law Firm : New Jersey, Cherry Hill, Delaware Valley, Philadelphia is published by T. Sandberg Durst, Esq., a member of Flaster/Greenberg’s Family Law Practice Group. The goal of the blog is to inform readers on current news, trends and opinions in the field of New Jersey family law.
Collaborative in Jersey is by Kevin Kilcommons, Esq. of the law firm of Kilcommons Shanahan , LLC, located in Clinton Township. Although the main focus of the blog appears to be collaborative divorce law, the firm web site indicates that the lawyers also practice divorce mediation, so I assumed that mediation will also be a major topic of the blog posts.
Finally, I must mention an out-of-state mediation blog that has achieved a level of excellence – I mean, it is a blog that I read and enjoy: San Francisco and Northern California Mediator Nancy E. Hudgins: Civil Negotiation and Mediation. Nancy Hudgins is a San Francisco mediator and lawyer who has been practicing for 30 years. She has settled and mediated thousands of cases, and her blog shows it. Her posts are insightful and absolutely practical. Try it.