Upcoming Workshops and Seminars

Attorney Donald D. Vanarelli, the founder of our law firm, will be presenting at the following workshops and seminars in upcoming months:

1. Mr. Vanarelli will be presenting a workshop entitled “Legal and Financial Considerations” at the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Conference to be held on Saturday, November 2, 2013, at Union County College, Cranford, NJ.  Workshop topics include: Planning for Disability, Estate Planning, Planning for Long Term Care, including a review of Government Sources for the Payment of Long Term Care Costs: Medicare, Medicaid and VA Benefits. The seminar is free to the public, however, seating is limited.  To register, contact the Greater NJ Chapter, Alzheimer’s Association, at 973-586-4300.

2. Mr. Vanarelli will be addressing the Mountainside Active Retirees Group at Mountainside Borough Hall on November 12, 2013  on “Preserving Your Estate by Planning for Disability”.  Mr. Vanarelli will provide important information concerning Guardianships, Last Wills and Testaments, Durable and Springing Powers of Attorney, Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Advance Medical Directives (Living Wills). and the new Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form. All members of the Mountainside Active Retiree Group are welcome.

3. On November 19, 2013, Mr. Vanarelli will be speaking to an audience of attorneys and other professionals at the 19th Annual Sophisticated Elder Law program, to be held at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick, NJ. Mr. Vanarelli will present on the topic of “Medicaid and Veterans Benefits Planning – What’s Hot and What’s Not.” The Sophisticated Elder Law Program, an annual seminar hosted by the New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE), is designed to educate experienced Elder Law attorneys on the latest estate and public benefit planning techniques and keep them abreast of recent trends and cases. To register, contact NJICLE at www.njicle.com.

4. On December 19, 2013, Mr. Vanarelli will speak to attorneys who are seeking to expand their practices into Elder Law at the 2013 Elder Law College hosted by NJICLE to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Fairfield, NJ.  Mr. Vanarelli will address the group on the various benefits available from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), focusing on VA pension benefits.  To register, contact NJICLE at www.njicle.com.
