Have A Very Happy and Healthy Easter and Passover

All Of Us At Vanarelli & Li, LLC Wish You A Very Happy and Healthy Easter And Passover!

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Kindly visit our website for updates and information in Elder Law, Estate Planning, Medicaid and Long-Term Care Planning, Probate Litigation, Contested Guardianships and Special Needs Planning.

If you should need assistance in the above areas, please contact our office, at (908) 232-7400. 

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Law Office of Vanarelli & Li, LLC Offers A Free 30-Minute Consultation

Vanarelli & Li, LLC offers a free initial consultation of up to 30 minutes to all new clients and established clients that have a new matter for review at no cost or obligation. During this half-hour consultation, we will review your situation, help you understand what’s possible and how we may be able to help. You will have an opportunity to get to know us so you can decide whether Vanarelli & Li, LLC is a good match for your needs.

To take advantage of our Free Initial Consultation, Contact us.
For additional information concerning NJ elder law and special needs planning visit:

NJ Elder Law and Estate Planning Services
