
Will Contests
In re Estate of Klausner, 2014 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 1517 (App. Div. June 23,...
A New Jersey appeals court upheld a substantial fee award exceeding the amount in controversy...
In a contested guardianship, the guardianship applicant often wishes to pursue additional claims involving the...
Earlier this month, Hon. Robert P. Contillo, Presiding Judge of the Chancery Division, Bergen County,...
In Stephenson, Personal Representative of Estate of Murry v. Spiegle, Docket No. A-4193-11T2 (App.Div., January...
In my January 20 blog post, I discussed the time limits imposed under R. 4:85-1...
A challenge to a will (as opposed to, for example, (1) a challenge to non-probate...
I recently blogged about In the Matter of the Estate of Lillian Schmidt, a case...
Where an original last will and testament is lost or cannot be found upon the...
The validity of a 1977 alleged holographic will was at issue in the Estate of...
I compiled my selections for the top ten (10) New Jersey estate and probate litigation...
As an elder law attorney, I receive many inquires from potential clients asking me to...
In New Jersey, a document may be accepted for probate as a will in a...
New Jersey estate planning attorneys were again reminded of the conflict of interest minefield they...
Most of the cases discussed on this blog (and, I suspect, on most blogs which...
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