
New Cases
A court of appeals in New Jersey reinstated a legal malpractice lawsuit, finding that the...
Gifts made during the Medicaid look-back period result in a penalty, or period of ineligibility,...
In A.H. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, 2014 N.J. Agen. LEXIS 91...
In re Estate of Klausner, 2014 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 1517 (App. Div. June 23,...
A nursing home resident’s adult child who signs an admission agreement as the “Responsible Party”...
New Jersey appeals court ruled pro se litigants who bungle their own cases can seek...
(In Zahner v. Mackereth (U.S. Dist. Ct., W.D. PA, Jan. 16, 2014), a federal district court...
In a very unusual ruling, a New York appeals court ruled that, despite transferring significant...
New Jersey trial judge ruled that a litigant may not appear at trial in a...
In Brill v. Velez (U.S. Dist. Ct., D. N.J., No. 1:13-cv-05643 (NLH/AMD), June 27, 2014), a...
In the May 30, 2014 Kongtcheu v. Secaucus Healthcare Center decision, the United States District...
A New Jersey trial judge dismissed a lawsuit asserted by an alleged abuser against a...
In the May 19, 2014 J.P. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services decision, New...
A New Jersey appeals court upheld a substantial fee award exceeding the amount in controversy...
A federal district court in New Jersey ruled that a Medicaid applicant was not entitled...
Hon. Robert B. Kugler, United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey, reversed...
In the April 28, 2014 Karlson v. Colvin decision, New Jersey’s Federal District Court reversed...
A United States District Court recently ruled that a nursing home resident does not have...
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