
New Cases
Renee Halpecka died in 2005 when she was 84 years old. Before her death, Renee...
Reversing state agency and appeals court rulings, the highest court of the State of Washington...
A federal district court judge in New Jersey granted a Medicaid applicant’s motion for a...
John Landy and Margaret Sauchelli are elderly persons who purchased promissory notes and subsequently applied...
New York recognized the marriage of state residents Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer, who wed...
A Medicaid applicant who made payments to her daughter for more than four years and...
A federal district court in New Jersey holds that an annuity purchased by the spouse...
Thomas v. Thomas, Docket No. A-2388-11T2 (N.J. Super. App. Div. June 4, 2013), involved competing...
New Jersey appeals court reversed a final restraining order entered in a domestic violence lawsuit,...
For the first time in New Jersey, the appellate court has ruled that legal counsel...
New Jersey appeals court ruled that a Chancery court’s order holding that certain trust expenditures...
Earlier this month, Hon. Robert P. Contillo, Presiding Judge of the Chancery Division, Bergen County,...
In Estate of Mendonca v. DaSilva, Docket No. A3515-11T2 (App. Div. Feb. 22, 2013), the...
In Stephenson, Personal Representative of Estate of Murry v. Spiegle, Docket No. A-4193-11T2 (App.Div., January...
In Estate of Peck, the Chancery Division, Probate Part examined a decedent’s testamentary intent regarding...
In my January 20 blog post, I discussed the time limits imposed under R. 4:85-1...
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