
Special Needs Planning
In a ruling seen as a major setback for disabled individuals and their families, on...
Attorneys certified in elder law offer something that other attorneys do not:  professional expertise in...
In a 2007 U.S. Bankruptcy case from the District of Minnesota, a bankruptcy trustee unsuccessfully...
A Rhode Island court removed the co-trustees of a special needs trust established for the...
As discussed below, a self-settled special needs trust is a device used to protect funds...
It is well known that the vast majority of America’s 2.6 million children with special...
Linda H. Davis wrote an April 4th column in the Washington Post that a tidal...
A bill that would create tax-deferred savings accounts for people with special needs has been...
In the ec-v-division-of-medical-assistance-and-heath-services case, the petitioner E.C. was a 67 year old physically and developmentally disabled...
A new Programs Operations Manual System (POMS), used by Social Security Administration employees to administer...
Simply defined, a trust is an agreement between two people — a grantor who donates...
About one in five U.S. residents – 19% – reported some level of disability, according...
Academy of Special Needs Planners co-founder Harry S. Margolis recently co-authored an article titled “What...
In the Sunday newspapers this week, I read two very different articles concerning people with...
How can you ensure that your special needs child will remain well cared for and...
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