Top Ten (10) Most Popular Blog Posts in 2017

Happy Holidays to clients, supporters, friends and readers. Listed below are the ten (10) eleven (11) posts on the Vanarelli Law Office blog with the highest readership in 2017. After each hyperlinked blog post title, the original post date is included. Check out the list to see this year’s highlights. Our sincere thanks for taking the time to read our blog! 

  1. 2017 Updated VA Pension Benefit Rates (January 9, 2017)
  2. Court Rules Asset Transfers to Child Before Entering Nursing Home Not Made To Qualify for Medicaid (January 3, 2017)
  3. Resources Transferred to a Trust Established by a Medicaid Applicant Are Countable, Preventing Medicaid Eligibility (July 6, 2017)
  4. Special Needs Trusts and Divorce / Part 1: Alimony and Property Settlement Agreements (December 2, 2016)
  5. Another Caregiver Agreement Rejected By New Jersey Medicaid (July 21, 2015)
  6. Older Adults Can Improve Memory and Attention Span Through Vigorous Exercise and Strenuous Mental Effort (January 11, 2017)
  7. SSA issues Emergency Memorandum Confirming that People with Disabilities Now Able to Create their own Special Needs Trusts (December 19, 2016)
  8. NJ’s Division of Consumer Affairs Issued Warning About Non-Lawyers Who Assist Consumers Filing Medicaid Applications (April 5, 2017)
  9. Resources Transferred to a Trust Established by a Medicaid Applicant Are Countable, Preventing Medicaid Eligibility (July 6, 2017)
  10. Appeals Court Rules Will Beneficiary Must Accept Cash, Not In-Kind Distribution, and Awards Legal Fees to Executor (July 25, 2017)
  11. Appellate Division Affirms Chancery Judge Ruling that Counsel Charged “Breathtakingly Excessive” Legal Fees (October 22, 2017)
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