
Estate Planning
In re Estate of Klausner, 2014 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 1517 (App. Div. June 23,...
The Uniform Law Commission, a national law group, approved a new law on July 16,...
New Jersey trial judge ruled that a litigant may not appear at trial in a...
A New Jersey trial judge dismissed a lawsuit asserted by an alleged abuser against a...
A New Jersey appeals court upheld a substantial fee award exceeding the amount in controversy...
When our law office prepares a Last Will and Testament and other estate documents for...
The annual roundup of the top 10 11 elder law decisions from across the country...
An “advance medical directive” (also known as a “health care advance directive” or “instruction directive”)...
New York recognized the marriage of state residents Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer, who wed...
What is Probate? “Probate” is the name of the process which permits an Executor to...
THE MULTIPLE-PARTY DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ACT Bank accounts are often established in the name of more...
The following post contains a summary of the noteworthy trust cases decided by New Jersey...
In the New Jersey Advance Directives for Health Care Act, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-53 et seq., the...
The New Jersey Supreme Court has directed that the Court’s function in construing a decedent’s...
In Estate of Peck, the Chancery Division, Probate Part examined a decedent’s testamentary intent regarding...
Below, courtesy of the ElderLawAnswers website, is the annual roundup of the top 12 elder...
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