
New Cases
In Shelales v. Director of the Office of Medicaid (Mass.App.Ct., No. 08-P-2052, Oct. 30, 2009), the...
The entire controversy doctrine requires litigants in a lawsuit to assert all claims that each...
In a matter involving personal service agreements, five petitioners brought a court action challenging determinations...
An Opinion and Order was entered on October 20, 2009 by Administrative Law Judge Joseph...
Sable v. Velez, Civ. No. 09-2813 (D.N.J., October 16, 2009), involved five applicants for nursing home...
In A.P. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, the Appellate Division of the...
In June 2009, plaintiff, Daisy Jeanne Prall, applied for nursing home Medicaid benefits with the...
Limited public funds available for the disabled in New Jersey has forced government agencies to...
On September 10, 2009, a federal district court in Northern California issued a preliminary injunction...
In a ruling seen as a major setback for disabled individuals and their families, on...
In a recent decision in a contested guardianship case, entitled In the Matter of Sutton-Logan,...
The case of Detloff v. Absecon Manor Nursing Center, Docket No. A-5941-07T2 (App. Div., August...
In a landmark opinion that recognizes a new category of lawsuits, the 3rd U.S. Circuit...
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