
Elder Law
The September 25th edition of the New York Times contained an informative article on how...
Attorneys certified in elder law offer something that other attorneys do not:  professional expertise in...
The National Elder Law Foundation (NELF) is an organization established in 1993, primarily by members...
When advising clients about how to plan for the possibility of needing long-term care, elder...
With more Americans living well beyond their 70s, more adult children are now left in...
The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) is an organization, founded in...
I am happy to report that the owner of this weblog has been elected as...
The elderly and special needs population today faces legal issues that are increasing in both...
As discussed below, a self-settled special needs trust is a device used to protect funds...
According to Aspen Publishers, there are seven common mistakes made by elder law attorneys that,...
An executor may block a surviving spouse’s attempts to withdraw assets from a decedent’s estate...
A New Jersey appeals court recently determined that a Medicaid applicant is not entitled to...
In my years of practicing elder law and guardianship litigation, I’ve become accustomed to meeting...
There were 6 significant cases decided in New Jersey in 2008 in the area of...
On December 16, 2008, I spoke at the 2008 “Elder Law College”, held at the...
Fresh from their recent electoral victories, Congressional Democratic leaders are vowing to pursue an aggressive...
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