
Lawyers and Lawyering
Florida’s Supreme Court ruled that non-lawyers who engage in various Medicaid planning activities are engaging...
A court of appeals in New Jersey reinstated a legal malpractice lawsuit, finding that the...
New Jersey appeals court ruled pro se litigants who bungle their own cases can seek...
In a case recently decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third...
Trial lawyers must know where the ethical line is drawn between properly investigating jurors and...
A California appeals court held that a trial court’s order directing a trial attorney to...
Chen Li has been associated with the Law Office of Donald Vanarelli since 2007.  Chen...
In a decision that could have a big impact on all bloggers in New Jersey, a...
Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn often contain an enormous amount of highly...
Upholding the decision of a trial judge who quashed a subpoena, New Jersey appellate court...
In a September 30, 2011 unpublished opinion, our Appellate Division considered the duty owed by...
A new ethics opinion by the American Bar Association, Formal Opinion 10-457 (Lawyer Websites), identifies...
In the article below, I discussed some interesting (I hope) developments in the rules governing...
Yesterday, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the attorney-client privilege protects e-mails between a...
Each year, the Elder and Disability Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association...
Have you noticed the enormous growth in the user base of the internet and social...
Starting January 1, 2010, New Jersey joins 42 other states by requiring continuing legal education...
Google recently announced that the company was entering into the legal research field. Google Scholar...
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