
Medicaid Planning
In A.P. v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, the Appellate Division of the...
In June 2009, plaintiff, Daisy Jeanne Prall, applied for nursing home Medicaid benefits with the...
Combining a series of related cases, a New York appeals court determined that five Medicaid...
A New York trial court allows a guardian to conduct Medicaid planning on behalf of...
In the May 27, 2009 Initial Decision of Estate of M.M. v. DMAHS, a New...
A New Jersey appeals court held earlier this month that a Medicaid applicant’s transfer of...
In January 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit disbarred an attorney who...
In only the second administrative law case of its kind decided in New Jersey, an...
In a case of major importance in the Medicaid estate planning area, the Appellate Division...
Recently, a Massachusetts trial court upheld a hearing officer’s decision holding that assets which a...
Recently, a number of significant decisions have been produced by New Jersey courts and administrative...
In the ec-v-division-of-medical-assistance-and-heath-services case, the petitioner E.C. was a 67 year old physically and developmentally disabled...
The Benefits of Immediate Annuities An immediate fixed annuity may be the answer for those seeking...
A New Jersey appeals court recently determined that a Medicaid applicant is not entitled to...
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